Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The name DELAWARE was given to the people who lived along the Delaware River, and the river in turn was named after Lord de la Warr.The Delaware were called the "Grandfather" tribe because they were respected by other tribes as peacemakers .the delaware where known as warriors because of there fierceness and tenacity,but they would rather the path of peace and kindness.the early delaware did not know land could be sold to other people or tribes.the delaaware people signed their first indian treaty on september 17,1778. the delaware where one of the tribes that had to give up their land and move westward. Unalachtigo(Tukey) Unami(Turtle) Munsee (Wolf) they each spoke different language.


For over 12,000 years the delaware lived in th northwestern part of what is today New Jersey. The native people of the Skylands region had no written history.In fact they had no written except for the use of pictograph.,some of them where carved in stone.


The delaware tribe had many farming skills


As i told you before the delaware tribes where kicked out and moved westward, well the Cherokees tribe was one of them they settle in kansas and is today a federally recognized tribe.Another group the Absentee Delawares never setlle in kansas , but migrated to Oklahoma and settled with the Wichita and Caddo Indians.first the indian delaware tribes (there wasnt only 1) lived in the northeast side of northamerica but where forced to move westward unfortunatly they spread out.

MY conclusion

In my opinion i think that kicking out the delaweare and making them go wesward was rude because this was there teritory and they got kicked out to another place if you think about it this way imagine you get kicked out of your house some one comes and kicks you out take it over and send you to another place you wouldnt like it would you? thats why i think it was rude and unfare to do that. now the delaware are spread out in the west side of northamerica some in kansas and some in oklhoma well thats that.